
Tips for editing:

  1. It is a good idea to always keep an original unedited version of your image.
  2. Do not be afraid to try different adjustments. Use different tools and experiment with the functions. Sometimes the automatic adjustments offer what you need. You can always go back to your original file and start all over again.
  3. Be careful not to edit too much. If you find yourself having to change certain aspects drastically it probably means your original image is not good enough.

Crop: If you want to remove parts of an image.

Rotate: If you want to change the orientation of an image.

Brightness and Contrast: If your images are too dark or too bright.

Color: If the colors of your images are dull or the tone is too warm or cold. You can use a variety of color correction tools, including Hue/ Saturation and Color Balance.

Sharpen: If your image is blurry, you can use this tool to make it clearer.

If you have Photoshop, you can find these tools in Image ➜Adjustments. If you don’t have Photoshop, there are many similar and free options like Gimp and Darktable.

Make an appointment with Visual Resources if you have important images you want to scan and edit and we can help to develop a strategy for your work.